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Parco regionale del Lago Trasimeno

Il bacino del Lago Trasimeno rappresenta uno degli ecosistemi più importanti della regione.lagotramonto

Gli estesi canneti e le acque aperte costituiscono un’ambiente estremamente articolato, la ricca vegetazione e le rare specie dell’avifauna, dallo svasso maggiore all’airone, rendono quest’area umida un complesso di eccezionale valore e interesse a livello internazionale. La visita guidata all’oasi ” La Valle “, in prossimità di San Savino, potrà in questo senso rendere molto interessante la scoperta delle particolarità ornitologiche presenti nel parco.

Trasimeno Lake

The basin of Lake Trasimeno is one of the most important ecosystems in the region.

The numerous towers and fortress scattered around the surrounding hills testify to the strategic and historical importance of this lake, the largest in the centre of Italy, homeland to the famous battle in which the Carthaginian army of Hannibal inflicted a sound defeat on the Roman legions. From that far away 217 BC, the Lake has lived many events, periods of floods and droughts, up its current appearance: a mirror of placid water  surrounded by a picturesque amphitheatre of hills and a perimeter road of 60km to be covered on bicycle or on foot. This is an area of irreplaceable stops for migratory birdlife and the ideal habitat for many fish species. Trasimeno accommodates an important naturalistic oasis, equipped for bird watching, with footbridges leading through the thicket to observe the hundreds of species throughout the year. A unique environment and landscape, beloved by many Renaissance painters, dotted with small fishing villages, the true caretakers of the secrets of this naturalistic jewel, dedicated still today to ancient traditions like the creations of fishing nets and working in the cane fields. In spring and summer, these town are animated with tourist in search of land and water relaxation, nature and sports.